The initial two decades are of great significance in the life of an institution, as much as of an individual. It is not only the formative period, but also an index of what lies in store. It is then that stock is taken of the achievements made and future plans are visualized and laid.
This precisely, is what we are doing now. It was in 1971, that a modest beginning was made by us with a workforce of just four persons. We then offered specialized marine services like turbocharger overhauling, engine parameter settings and tuning. Impressed by the quality of our service, Ship owners loaded us with more intricate jobs. This widened the scope of our services followed by expansion of our work force. We grew in size and strength and successfully tackled various shipboard maintenance programs. We had won the confidence of Ship owners/ Managers and an important and essential milestone had been reached.
Confidence breeds confidence. It happened with us too. We were encouraged by the response received to our service center at Mumbai. We decided to give mobility to our service team by sending out specialized team to solve the problems at the site instead of waiting for the vessels with their problems reaching our site. This naturally meant a reduced maintenance downtime. The idea appealed to Ship owners/Managers and within fifteen months of commencement of our operation in 1971, our valued clients perceived that a new, efficient and dependable service center had emerged in India . These esteemed clients decided to engage the services of our ever-ready ‘Flying Squads’ to ride on their vessels. Some of the Scandinavian and European Ship owners followed suit. This paved the way for the global acceptance of our multi-faceted activities.
By Now the expectations of the Ship owners / Managers, the world over had increased and they looked upon us to meet their entire requirements. In their eyes we were no longer mere marine repairers, but first rate result oriented trouble shooters. Some of them appointed us as their technical managers and the services we rendered were not only technical in nature, since, we also worked as Consultants for their manpower requirements too.